Bumps provides gestational age determination by their highly specialized and outstanding 4d scan services.
Bumps brings together cutting- edge technology together with a specialized and expert team of medical authorities from selected baby scan facilities strategically placed all over United kingdom.
The Hilltop Healthcare Center in Birmingham is Bump’s home office where gestational age determination is just one of the varied solutions they feature. You'll be able to reach Bumps in other centers which are placed in Liverpool, Oxford, St. Albans, and Surrey.
When is gestational age determination (through 4d scan) advised? A few expecting mothers don't have knowledge of their correct date of conception. Understanding the age of the baby is crucial to good health when pregnant and the expected date of delivery is based on this key information. Typically, the due date was based on the following routine obstetrical care:
a. date of the first day of the last menstrual period
b. findings on the early pelvic examination
c. measurement of the size of the uterus
d. quickening, or feeling the baby's first movements
The size of the woman's uterus as a basis for calculating gestational age is based on the level of the fundic height- or the level at which the highest portion of the uterus is felt. Nevertheless, when there is more than one fetus or there is macrosomia in gestational diabetes, this calculation does not apply.
The inaccuracy of the results in a few groups of women makes them candidate for a pregnancy 4d scan to observe the real date of conception and due date. Women in this category include those who find themselves obese or overweight as a result of presence of excessive fat in the abdominal cavity which obscures the uterine size evaluation, those who have irregular menstrual cycles or are unsure of their last menstrual period (LMP), or those who have current history of oral contraceptive use.
There are several means of determining gestational age. A pregnancy 4d scan is one way. In this modality, sound waves are used to examine and measure the fetus. The earlier the 4d scan is done, the more accurate is the calculation. Later, 4d scans tell more about the growth of the fetus and the placenta.
4d scan for the purpose of fetal aging makes use of certain measurement as follows:
A. Crown-rump length
This measurement includes the distance from the top of the fetus' head to its buttocks. It is currently the most accurate 4d scan pregnancy-dating method. When it is used as early as the first trimester, babies are born within 5 to 6 days of the predicted due date more than 90% of the time.
B. Biparietal diameter (BPD)
BPD measures the distance between two skull bones. This measurement may be taken anytime after the 12th week of pregnancy.
C. Abdominal circumference.
This is a measurement of front-to-back and side-to-side lengths of the baby's abdomen. It is calculated by a computer and may be used after the 14th week of pregnancy along with the distance between the skull bones.
D. Head circumference
This measures the distance around the baby's head.
E. Fetal limb measurement
Checking the length of the baby's femur, which is the long leg bone, correctly predicts the due date within 7 days.
F. Transcerebellar diameter
This is the measurement of the distance around one part of a baby's brain.
G. Mean 4d scan age
This measurement averages all the above measurements to get to a reasonably accurate due date.
Other less frequent measurements are also used like the measurements of the chest diameter, inner and outer orbital eye distance, length of jaw bone, length of collar bone, liver size, thigh diameter, and foot length
So for any reason as mentioned above, subscribe to Bumps Services to be able to know the real score.
Bumps brings together cutting- edge technology together with a specialized and expert team of medical authorities from selected baby scan facilities strategically placed all over United kingdom.
The Hilltop Healthcare Center in Birmingham is Bump’s home office where gestational age determination is just one of the varied solutions they feature. You'll be able to reach Bumps in other centers which are placed in Liverpool, Oxford, St. Albans, and Surrey.
When is gestational age determination (through 4d scan) advised? A few expecting mothers don't have knowledge of their correct date of conception. Understanding the age of the baby is crucial to good health when pregnant and the expected date of delivery is based on this key information. Typically, the due date was based on the following routine obstetrical care:
a. date of the first day of the last menstrual period
b. findings on the early pelvic examination
c. measurement of the size of the uterus
d. quickening, or feeling the baby's first movements
The size of the woman's uterus as a basis for calculating gestational age is based on the level of the fundic height- or the level at which the highest portion of the uterus is felt. Nevertheless, when there is more than one fetus or there is macrosomia in gestational diabetes, this calculation does not apply.
The inaccuracy of the results in a few groups of women makes them candidate for a pregnancy 4d scan to observe the real date of conception and due date. Women in this category include those who find themselves obese or overweight as a result of presence of excessive fat in the abdominal cavity which obscures the uterine size evaluation, those who have irregular menstrual cycles or are unsure of their last menstrual period (LMP), or those who have current history of oral contraceptive use.
There are several means of determining gestational age. A pregnancy 4d scan is one way. In this modality, sound waves are used to examine and measure the fetus. The earlier the 4d scan is done, the more accurate is the calculation. Later, 4d scans tell more about the growth of the fetus and the placenta.
4d scan for the purpose of fetal aging makes use of certain measurement as follows:
A. Crown-rump length
This measurement includes the distance from the top of the fetus' head to its buttocks. It is currently the most accurate 4d scan pregnancy-dating method. When it is used as early as the first trimester, babies are born within 5 to 6 days of the predicted due date more than 90% of the time.
B. Biparietal diameter (BPD)
BPD measures the distance between two skull bones. This measurement may be taken anytime after the 12th week of pregnancy.
C. Abdominal circumference.
This is a measurement of front-to-back and side-to-side lengths of the baby's abdomen. It is calculated by a computer and may be used after the 14th week of pregnancy along with the distance between the skull bones.
D. Head circumference
This measures the distance around the baby's head.
E. Fetal limb measurement
Checking the length of the baby's femur, which is the long leg bone, correctly predicts the due date within 7 days.
F. Transcerebellar diameter
This is the measurement of the distance around one part of a baby's brain.
G. Mean 4d scan age
This measurement averages all the above measurements to get to a reasonably accurate due date.
Other less frequent measurements are also used like the measurements of the chest diameter, inner and outer orbital eye distance, length of jaw bone, length of collar bone, liver size, thigh diameter, and foot length
So for any reason as mentioned above, subscribe to Bumps Services to be able to know the real score.