Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How do you know you are pregnant?

While you may have some occasions of nausea and vomiting, especially when you are sexually active, this however does not mean that you are already pregnant. There are situations that this becomes a false alarm. But what are exactly the symptoms that you may experience when you are pregnant or during pregnancy?

is one of the blissful moments that a couple may have been waiting for. This may signify the ultimate union of the partners and also a sign for the building of a family. However, there are situations like what we call, "false alarm" which may rather cause disappointment rather than blissful moments. It is therefore necessary that you are informed of the probable symptoms that you may experience.

headaches during pregnancy
Being pregnant involves a collective symptoms and conditions which may justify that you are pregnant. These may include, nausea and vomiting, morning sickness, gets tired easily, series of headaches and so forth. Aside from these, there can also be emotional and of course, physical changes that a woman my experience.

It is notable that women who are pregnant will inevitably notice her abdomen becomes larger as the baby grows. Moreover, the breasts change during pregnancy in preparation for the lactation of the mother to the new born.

If you are doubtful of the symptoms, it will be necessary that you consult an obstetrician or your family doctor to include laboratory and other pregnancy tests.

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