Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Why is pregnancy ultrasound needed?

With the onset of new technology, pregnancy can never be as simple as it used to be. Today, you can see the baby inside the womb with pregnancy ultrasound. But is that all the importance of ultrasound? Why is ultrasound needed? What is 4d scans ultrasound? We will further answer these questions as we go along in the topic.

Pregnancy ultrasound is a procedure where a moderated frequency is introduce to the external skin of the abdomen. This frequency then generates images resulting into the figure of the baby. In the prior years, ultrasound is recognized as either two-dimensional or 3D. Now you can also have the 4d scans ultrasound.

4d scans ultrasound or 4d scans is like the 3d scan only that the fetal movements could be monitored. Because the procedure rapidly capture the image, it produces the 4d baby ultrasound scans.

Why is pregnancy ultrasound needed?

Some of the reasons why pregnancy ultrasound is performed are :

1. For Diagnosis and confirmation of early pregnancy or expected pregnancy.

2. To confirm the confirm the site of the pregnancy is within the cavity of the uterus.

3. For diagnosis of fetal malformation in the early stage of pregnancy.

4. To determine the presence of more than one fetus.

For you to be sure if you will need a pregnancy ultrasound during your pregnancy period, your doctor will be the best authority who can give you the advise.

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