Thursday, April 16, 2009

Controlling diabetes in pregnancy

Diabetes in pregnancy can be in two forms: the classical and the gestational diabetes. If you already have diabetes before pregnancy, it is the classical. The difference is that gestational diabetes, begins and ends with pregnancy. But how to do you control diabetes in pregnancy?

Diabetes Screening

Diabetes can be confirmed with diabetes screening usually done through a blood test. Urine test could also be done but it is not as reliable means of screening and diagnostic. Another test is Glucose Tolerance Test or, more often, GTT.

GTT simply involves the person fasting for several hours overnight and taking a measured sugary drink in the morning. A series of blood samples are taken, normally every thirty minutes for the next two hours. Levels of sugar in each sample are analyzed.

Controlling diabetes in pregnancy

1. Exercise

2. Using insulin

3. Oral medication

Controlling diabetes in pregnancy varies from one person to another as the condition of pregnancy also varies. It is best to consult your obstetrician on how to make your pregnancy safe.

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