Monday, April 27, 2009

Cough and colds medicine during pregnancy


Cough medicines are available in two variants and these are the expectorants and the cough suppressants. Most of the time, we take the variety suited for us based on the doctor's prescription. However, there are some individuals who take the medicine based on the recommendation of a friend or a companion. In this aspect, taking of cough medicine should be taken a careful observation especially when expecting a baby or during pregnancy.

Cough medicines that are called expectorants are those that claim to lessen the frequency of cough and reduce its intensity. This helps a person to sleep better. Expectorants contain codeine and sedatives such as diphenhydramine.

Based on studies, those that contain codeine causes constipation. A pregnant woman may incur problems on this and should be wary on its effect before taking expectorants that are based on codeine.

On the other hand, there are the cough suppressants. Cough suppresssants are those medicines that are released on the market that are said to help in expulsion of the sputum and secretions produced in the respiratory tract. They are supposed to relieve the symptoms by making one cough less and breathe easier.However, these claims can be easily remedied with orange juice or any juice that have high citric acid solution.


Taking cold medicines during pregnancy should be taken with care. Based on studies,
cold medicine preparations that has pseudoephedrine and similar drugs need to be used with caution if the mother is hypertensive or has a heart disease. They may also interfere with diabetes control. However, there is no direct effect on the pregnancy itself.

In addition, those that
contains antihistamines such as chlor­pheniramine (Piriton®) will tend to make the mother drowsy.

Even colds and cough are considered to be simple sickness, a doctor's advise should still be sought to ensure that the medicine you take during pregnancy can relieve your condition and not worsen it.

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