Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Pregnancy Ultrasound: Nuchal Scans

Pregnancy ultrasound is being recognized as one of the great breakthrough in the medical society. Originally, pregnancy ultrasound is used to determine the gender of a baby while inside the womb. Today, aside from gender scan, pregnancy scans has been proven useful in different conditions relating to pregnancy such as fetal abnormality assessment, cervical cancer assessment and even in identifying cases of Down's syndrome while at fetal state through Nuchal scans.

Nuchal scans is a sonographic prenatal screening being done to help identify and evaluate the risks of developing Down's Syndrome at fetal state. Down's syyndrome patients tend to have a lower than average cognitive ability, often ranging from mild to moderate developmental disabilities. A small number have severe to profound mental disability.

Nuchal scans is being done between the 11th and 13th week of gestation. This is preferred because the accuracy is best in this period. The procedure is being made by examining the thickness of the skin at the back of the baby's neck. The thickness of the skin is usually associated with Down's syndrome.

Pregnancy ultrasound helps maintain the good health of the baby and wellness of the mother like through the Nuchal Scans. The best thing with it is that it also enhances the bonding between the mother and the baby.

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