Friday, October 1, 2010

4d baby scan : A Guide for Everyone

You might be guessing what these new 4d baby scans are all about. Chances are you've heard a bit about it from someone, or you've bumped into the term on the net.  In this article, I hope to explain what the scan is all about. 

Somewhat uncomfortable and intimidating, specifically the first time,these 4d baby scan offer a wonderful experience-- seeing your baby inside of your womb, seeing what's under that bump.

It is the anticipation that makes this specifically unnerving.  It would be good to note that there is no pain involved.  Just a bit of discomfort, but completely manageable.

You will note that with the older 2D ultrasound scans before, you may have been asked to have a lot of water and fill your bladder. also, these offered pitiful imagery that hardly gave the parents a clue to what the baby looks like. Usually made up of blobs that are difficult to discern and interpret, these scans made would-be parents look like they had a screw too many loose. 

For these newer scans, you can hold your head up high, vindicated! Show the images and you'd be blind if you can't decipher the images. Also, you will simply be asked to keep yourself hydrated in the few weeks before your scan. This is because the fluid around your baby is what makes it easy to see the details and gives the ultrasound technician a clearer picture.

The detail on these things may astonish you. It is quite an awesome experience.

You will be brought into a room with a few companions. It would be good to take note that majority of the best clinics do in fact provide relaxed amenities for the expectant mom during this remarkable occasion. 

While you will not need to have a lot of water to fill your bladder, the weeks before it you will be required to keep yourself hydrated to ensure great detail on the images. This will help your 4d baby scans ultrasound technician a whole lot in terms of getting obvious images of your baby.

This is definitely a wonderful experience. The most fascinating, astonishing,remarkable medical breakthrough in pregnancy scans that allows parents to bond with their baby in the womb. 

There is no doubt about the fact that pregnancy is quite a intimidating experience for all expecting moms, but thanks to these fascinating 4d baby scan, there is that element of wonderful anticipation, making it a unique, thrilling experience that you won't soon forget

1 comment:

  1. I can not believe how the pictures are beautiful! I was so surprised when the girl looked really pictures in 4D! And you're right. This ultrasound is increasingly difficult to actually measure the parts.
