Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pregnancy Ultrasound: Bond with the baby inside your womb

Getting pregnant can be overwhelming to some especially when mothers are not prepared. However, the fears diminish when the woman realizes that she is carrying a life within her womb. This can create a bond between the mother and the child especially if the mother has an actual experience of seeing the baby in her womb. While this may be impossible in the past, this has been already available now through pregnancy ultrasound. With pregnancy ultrasound, the mother can have a bonding experience with the baby while it is inside the womb.

Baby ultrasound is a frequency diagnostic procedure used to pass high frequency waves to the body of the woman. This in turn, reflects back echo which is then analyzed to create the image of what is inside the womb- the baby .

Types of pregnancy ultrasound

2d scans is the most common obstetric diagnostic mode. This is generated with a two-dimensional area for the scanned body area. However, this is unable to determine the gender of the child assound waves being sent straight down and reflected back.

In the 3d scanning, the sound waves are sent at different angles compared to that of the 2d scan. The process enables the procedure to generate a three-dimensional image to create the image of the fetus.

4d scans
is an ultrasound used in medical technology to know the gender of the gender of a child while it is still at the womb. During pregnancy, it is expected how excited couples can be with the baby.

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