When should breast feeding be introduced?
The body does not produce milk while pregnant. When the baby is delivered, the breasts can already be sucked to feed the baby. It is suggested that suckling should be introduced to the child in the soonest time possible. Shortly after delivery, the breasts produce a protein-rich fluid called colostrum. The baby can be put on the breast within minutes or hours of delivery and can feed on this.
When will you know that you need to breast feed the baby?
Like adults, the baby has the natural instinct to complain when he is hungry. the doubt of overfeeding should never be thought of as babies will not suck milk when they are not hungry.
Which breast should the baby feed on?
Suggestedly, breast feeding should be done alternately. However, the mother should ensure that the breast is emptied before she switches the child to another breasts. This is because there are differences on the fore-milk and the hind-milk. The fore-
to be continued...
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