Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Breast feeding is the best for babies

The health of a child is considered to the utmost importance especially by the mothers. This is for the very reason that the feeding of the child has a great effect on the development of the child. This lead to the birth of many baby foods and milk supplements however, breast feeding has been recognized as the best for the growth and health of the baby.

Here are some of the benefits of breast feeding:

  • Human milk is natural and tailor-made for the human baby, so it has all the necessary ingredients in the right proportions.
  • The act of suckling promotes contraction of the uterus and promotes its rapid reduction of size.
  • In addition, and most importantly, this milk is safe and virtually free. It is also convenient because it is readily available, clean and at the ideal temperature, thus avoiding the hassles of preparing a feed which characterize bottle ­feeding.
  • There is increasing evidence that, on average, breast-fed babies attain higher Iqs and therefore perform better academically than their bottle-fed counterparts.
Another factor to consider is the capability of the breast milk to give protection to the child. Colostrum and breast-milk are rich in antibodies which give the baby with passive immunity, thus protecting him or her against a variety of infections. There is evidence also that breast-fed babies are less prone to develop allergies.

In the next discussions we will discuss how can busy moms can do breast feeding despite of hectic schedule of their work.

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